Thursday, January 31, 2008

Obama vs Clinton: Dem Debate down to the wire

Obama is a class act and from what I heard, people are listening.
Obama's answer during the CNN debate on what and who this country needs as far as national intelligence, was the most astute and in tune response from anyone

running for the White House that I have ever heard.

Good intelligence is what makes or breaks. I'm glad Sen. Obama knows that.

The difference between the GOP debate and the Dems are the

GOP questions are specific. The Dem questions are more general. The GOP is clearly

for those of us who earn $75,000 or more. The Dems realize all of us

matter. Dems in this case means Barack Obama.
Thinking Americans who make a difference, vote Obama. Those who

don't listen well or who think debates are boring--well they sway

Don't get me wrong-- I like Hillary, she's cool but like she said in the

debate--the president will have lots of problems to deal with when he

gets there. This country needs a real leader who will get respect--not a follower or an administrator. Their place is not as commander-in-chief but as support staff.

Obama thinks before he acts and speaks. Watch him carefully when he responds to a question and compare his thoughtful response to the off-the-cuff auto-responses of the other candidates. Who do they care about? Who are they speaking for--special interest groups only? Lobbyists? What about the American people for once! Don't we matter?

Obama is more translucent than Hillary and any of the Republican candidates--and he looks cleaner morally--which matters (respectfully) to
leaders of other countries. We have to keep that in mind. Americans are

not the only people on this planet. Obama can think globally--which

will advance this country as the days roll on. He's already

international and inclusive. That type of thinking works out better

macro economically. Look at how well the Euro is doing and how many of the wealthy have moved there to enjoy that wealth. That wealth used to be the strong American dollar. Oh and by the way, in Indiana, the poverty line for a family of four is $40,000.

It's hard to forget some of the things Hillary and Bill did while they

were there in the White House. It got this country laughed at and

humiliated--which isn't good when speaking of leadership and leaders.

We have to be respected and respectable. However, nothing the the Clintons can ever do or have done makes the case for yet another insensitive Republican elected to this nation's highest office. This country can do better than that. We're not desperate.

Will the Clintons really care about me and you this time around?
That is why I'm going with Obama because he is more of a trail blazer

-- like many of us in this country.
We are making our own path in this world the best way we can.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Zenni Optical

I am a contact lens wearer but because I use a computer, I need glasses. I had a pair with a coating on them used to protect my eyes but I lost them long ago. Besides, glasses are making a fashion comeback and I want to be a part of it.
This time, I am taking my prescription to Zenni because Zenni Optical: Sell Rx Glasses $8 with case!
Using the latest modern materials, manufacturing and marketing systems, they bring their product direct from their factories using their brand names.

Join the Obama in '08 Campaign!

I caught a little of Presidential Candidate, Barack Obama's campaign rally speech on C-Span today and this is some of what I heard:
Sen. Obama talked about his dad and his first trip to Kenya to visit his paternal grandmother.
While there, he read letters from his dad where he had applied for colleges across America.
He said John F. Kennedy sponsored legislation that led to a grant that helped his father travel to the U.S. to study and it was in college where his parents met.
Also in the speech, I heard Sen. Obama talk about his vision past winning the nomination and general election but changing America, in his campaign rally speech.
This is an e-mail I received because I signed up for updates on the Sen. Barack Obama Presidential Campaign. I am encouraging all Barack supporters to get on the bandwagon and help Sen. Obama not only win the nomination but the general election in November.

Here are a few details about our victory in South Carolina. According to the official results and CNN exit polls, Barack won:

55% of the total vote, more than twice as many votes as any other candidate
57% of voters who had never voted in a primary
66% of voters who had never voted before at all
Every type of community -- urban, suburban, and rural
58% of voters between ages 18 and 64
67% of voters between ages 18 and 29
The clear lesson from South Carolina is that voters are ready to bring this country together and solve the problems that matter to ordinary Americans.

This election isn't about race or gender, income level or education level.

It's about the past and the future.

The moment to act is now. We're campaigning from Alaska to Georgia, from California to New York. Your donation right now is more important than ever. Please donate $50 today. (click the title to link to the campaign's secure site)

Monday, January 21, 2008

Free vs Plantation: Happy Birthday MLKJr. and I'm sorry I failed you.

I am free when I think for myself and rebuild my house on firm ground so that I don't have to sharecrop no more or take from massa's table or starve.

I am free when massa asks me when I'm going to get me some nobodies like he got so that I can be like him. (that means he no longer thinks of me as a nobody)
When I am free I can think how I like and vote the way I want.

When I am on a plantation, my basic needs are provided to me in exchange for constant abuse at the hands of cruel massa. I cannot go against massa or he will take the things I need away from me or kill me by lynching--like he did to those other nobodies that set his house on fire last week. Or he will break up my family or rape me or throw me or my nobody in jail. Sometimes being a nobody is like being a prisoner.

Even if massa was nice to me and said I could do as I please as long as I wasn't steppin' on his toes or standin' too close, I still would do as he say because I am loyal to massa and I tell on the other nobodies on the plantation when they try to escape or read or think for themselves or run for president.

Massa will always be in charge of me because I am a happy-go-lucky nobody. As long as I'm doing better than the next nobody--massa will always be my man! Gimmie five Jay-Jay and make me some coolaid and dance!

I am a nobody and I live on massa's plantation and I will raise my kids on massa's plantation and die on massa's plantation and will kill any nobody that tries to mess with massa or his ways.

Massa and his people live on the plantation too but its different because they seem to stick together and get along and think like one person. I can't break into that group--they just looks at me and shakes their head when I walk past their shack. Some of them feel sorry for me because I am a nobody and I ain't got a chance. Then the menfolk makes them go inside--they ain't really free either but theys better off than me.

I am a nobody and I depend on massa and his plantation--even though it is killing me a little bit everyday. So if a black man were to run for president one day, I wouldn't vote for him because I am a nobody and I can't make a fist.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Are you looking to burn a lot of DVDs? If you are then is the place for you. Thry carry DVD and CD duplicator towers, recorders, publishers, and DVD/CD printers for those with compatible, printable blank media. Some models are stand alone, all-in-one solutions, featuring automation for DVD/CD loading in a variety of Targets such as 1 to 1, 1 to 4, 1 to 7, up to 1 to 70 duplication.
They also have Brother ink cartridges in a variety of sizes and styles.
The good thing about is that you can order items and have them delivered to you instead of hunting and pecking your way through every electronics store in the mall.

Say no to Fat in the 'Sip?


2008 Regular Session

To: Public Health and Human Services; Judiciary B

By: Representative Mayhall, Read, Shows

House Bill 282


SECTION 1. (1) The provisions of this section shall apply to any food establishment that is required to obtain a permit from the State Department of Health under Section 41-3-15(4)(f), that operates primarily in an enclosed facility and that has five (5) or more seats for customers.

(2) Any food establishment to which this section applies shall not be allowed to serve food to any person who is obese, based on criteria prescribed by the State Department of Health after consultation with the Mississippi Council on Obesity Prevention and Management established under Section 41-101-1 or its successor. The State Department of Health shall prepare written materials that describe and explain the criteria for determining whether a person is obese, and shall provide those materials to all food establishments to which this section applies. A food establishment shall be entitled to rely on the criteria for obesity in those written materials when determining whether or not it is allowed to serve food to any person.

(3) The State Department of Health shall monitor the food establishments to which this section applies for compliance with the provisions of this section, and may revoke the permit of any food establishment that repeatedly violates the provisions of this section.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2008.

Cast Your Vote Wisely, Vote for the Future: Barack Obama

I sense fear in some as the poor and workers of all kinds come out in droves to vote. These groups have been ignored for so long and now finally they get a chance to be heard. They had better speak loud and clear because the chance to be heard may not come around again.
Besides the U.S. Constitution, who do we people have to thank for this chance to be heard--Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barak Obama (D-IL). He is the one to thank.
Please do not misunderstand--whatever he does, others in the campaign do as well. He is leading them as he will do the country when he is nominated by his party and then wins the presidential election against whatever Republican he runs against.

Cast Your Vote Wisely, Vote for the Future: Barack Obama