Announced as breaking news on CNN, John Edwards will endorse Barack Obama on stage in Michigan today. Go to for the live feed.
An endorsement means Edward's 28 delegates could be added to Obama's total delegate count.
Barack Obama, our country's next president, took the podium in Grand Rapids, Michigan to rousing cheers and the song, "It's a Beautiful Day," by ? (respond in comments, please)
He gave an enthusiastic "Thank You" and told the crowd, "I am fired Up!"
The crowd was going wild. (Much love to the supporters in Michigan!)
Sen. Obama introduced John Edwards and the crowd went wild again.
The boos came about when John Edwards mentioned the H.C. issue and began to heap praise onto her shoulders. Alas, the rosy accolades couldn't help but sound like her campaign's epitaph. However, Edwards began to speak about unifying the Democratic Party.
"What brought us here?" he asked the crowd.
"O-baam-a!" "O-baam-a!" "O-baam-a!" cheers interrupted his speech.
Then he spoke of making two Americas into one America.
"We have so much work to do because all over America, there are walls," he said.
"Our job as of January next year is to tear that wall down and give America back to its people!"
The fans went rabid with cheers and screams.
"The reason I am here tonight is because the Democratic voters made their choice and so have I. There is one man that ...knows how to create lasting change...and that man is Barack Obama, the next President of these United States," Edwards said.
(Hellofva endorsement speech!)
Might-as-well-be-presumptive Democratic nominee, Barack Obama said that he was grateful for John Edwards coming to Michigan and giving his support.
"John Edwards and I believe in a different America--one American where we rise and fall together as one people," Obama said.
The crowd chanted, "Yes WE Can"
Obama said he will support Edward's 10-year-campaign to cut poverty in half and endorsed it as well.
**Just then the CNN crawl had something about unemployment rates being higher than previous government estimates.**
Then someone fainted during Obama's speech. He threw a bottle of water into the crowd to aid the fainter. Signs in the crowd read: "Obama Rocks", "Change we can Believe in" and "WE believe Obama"
Sen. Obama told the crowd that the campaign was about them, the American people--not the candidates for president.
"This campaign is about you, your hopes, your dreams--it's not about Hillary, McCain or me. Obama also reminded everyone that winning the election would continue to be hard work and that change is difficult process because of the resistance of the status quo but also that hope is stirring all across America.
To hear further commentary on this issue, please tune into "Saturday Night Sip with a Scanner" call-in show on Blogtalkradio/imadeamesss at midnight Saturday--347-324-3011.