Monday, September 07, 2009

Race and the Office of the President

When the Presidential election was called in President Barack Obama's favor last year, one group of cable news anchors and pundints expressed open shock and surprise on air. They turned to the nearest black man, who was a pundit as well and asked him something to the effect of "Now what?" The black man of course had a perplexed look on his face because he didn't immedeately understand why he was on the hot seat.

He told them an approximate of, the country would be run businesses-as-usual just like every other day in America. The only difference would be that the President is now black instead of white.

The fact that the nearest liberal black man was asked for further instructions on what next to do just because America had just elected its first black President was outlandish but emensly entertaining to watch because it seemed to be genuine emotion.

However, it is questionalble if everything is being conducted business-as-usual since the election in this country. Blacks thought that there would be some miracle sea change in public perception of blacks and that their social status would rise and everyone who wanted a job would automatically get one--right away. Whites thought that peace would blanket the earth and we would all finally get along. Or did they?

Not every white voted for President Obama in the presidential election however almost every black did.

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